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Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

Artificial Intelligence

Why the so-called AI Action Summit falls short

Ever since Chat-GPT’s debut, artificial intelligence (AI) has been the center of worldwide discussions on the promises and perils of new technologies. This has spawned a flurry of debates on the governance and regulation of large language models and “generative” AI, which have, among others, resulted in the Biden administration’s...

¿Quién defiende tus datos?

Paraguay’s Broadband Providers Continue to Struggle to Attain Best Practices at Protecting Users’ Data

Paraguay’s five leading broadband service providers made some strides in making their privacy policies more accessible to the public, but continue to fall short in their commitments to transparency, due process in sharing metadata with authorities, and promoting human rights—all of which limits their user’s privacy rights, according to the...

Epic Games v. Google

Epic Games, maker of the popular game Fortnite, sued Google under the antitrust laws, challenging the restrictions that Google placed on app developers who sell apps the Google Play Store. Epic’s suit challenged Google’s requirement that apps use Google’s payment processing service for in-app transactions and paying a 30% fee...

Protesters + Action + Capitol

How State Tech Policies in 2024 Set the Stage for 2025

EFF has been at the forefront of defending civil liberties in the digital age, with our activism team working across state, federal, and local levels to safeguard everyone's rights in the rapidly evolving tech landscape. As federal action on technology policy often lags, many are looking to state governments to...


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