Senior Investigative Researcher Dave Maass, a member of EFF's new Threat Lab, will be a guest speaker at Cryptorave, a Brazilian event on encryption and security. Dave's talk (11:20 PM on May 3) is titled "Surveillance Safari: Recognizing the Ways the Cops Spy on Populations":
Police departments are on a shopping spree for new technologies that can threaten our human rights. Face recognition. Drones. Body cameras. Cell-site Simulators. Automated license plate readers. Often these technologies are kept secret. But sometimes they seem so commonplace, that we don't notice how they're growing. As Senior Investigative Researcher in the EFF's Threat Lab, Dave Maass shines light on surveillance technologies and holds police agencies accountable. In this talk, he will provide a primer on common and upcoming technologies, talk about what he learned at the world's largest police conference, and share some of his research techniques. He will also provide information on EFF's new experiments in public education, including a virtual reality experience and a large-scale distributed journalism project to build a master data set of police surveillance in the United States.
Attendees can also try out EFF's virtual reality experience, Spot the Surveillance, in which a player is immersed in a street scene where they learn about the various spying technologies police deploy in communities.