EFF is proud to support Security BSidesSF! Catch great talks on the cutting edge of infosec. You can register on site at the DNA Lounge.
Come see the Ask EFF panel, featuring attorneys Kurt Opsahl and Nate Cardozo, acitivist Parker Higgins, and technologist Yan Zhu on track 1 during the lunch slot—1:00 to 2:00—on the 23rd. EFF will be there to spread the word about protecting digital freedom and you can even pick up cool swag or sign up as an EFF member on the spot!

About BSidesSF: BSides is a community-driven framework for building events for and by information security community members. The goal is to expand the spectrum of conversation beyond the traditional confines of space and time. It creates opportunities for individuals to both present and participate in an intimate atmosphere that encourages collaboration. It is an intense event with discussions, demos, and interaction from participants. It is where conversations for the next-big-thing are happening.
DNA Lounge
375 Eleventh Street
San Francisco, CA 94103