Congress is in turmoil over the text of CISA, the controversial cybersecurity bill that the EFF community has been fighting against. The Hill reports that "it now appears the final language is unlikely to include notable privacy provisions" and "may confirm opponents’ worst fears."
This corroborates what we've been hearing from our sources in DC: that negotiations over CISA have taken a turn for the worse, and there's a battle happening right now over the final text.
But hope is not lost. Representative Michael McCaul, Chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security, can still ensure that the hard-fought privacy protections make it into the final text. Unfortunately, Congressional leadership and members of the Intelligence Committee are putting intense pressure on Representative McCaul to strip out these necessary safeguards.
We're asking the EFF community to support Representative McCaul, and urge him to stand strong in defend of liberty and privacy. Please tweet to the Representative:
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