Just as Sen. Specter's surveillance bill appeared headed for the Senate floor this week, it has once again been delayed. Nearly two months since it was first announced, the bill unfortunately passed the Senate Judiciary Committee last week. But the Washington Post reports today that Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist "referred the warrantless surveillance matter to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence for further review and would not bring it up for Senate consideration until next week."
That's great news, but the fight is not yet over -- it's critical that you keep the pressure on Congress and make sure this bill never passes. Phone calls and letters from people like you have helped hold this bill in check. Keep them coming so that we can beat Specter's surveillance bill for good. Visit our Action Center now to find your representatives' contact information.
Update: Unfortunately, the House Judiciary Committee passed Rep. Wilson's surveillance bill today. All the more reason to tell your representatives to stop the surveillance bills.