Our analysis is here.
February 18, 2016 – FCC’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking issued
March 30 – MPAA requests a call with the Copyright Office about the set-top box rulemaking
March 31 – FCC requests a call with the Copyright Office
April 11 - Conference call between MPAA and Copyright Office
April 14 - Conference call with FCC postponed until the following week
April 16 - MPAA updates the Copyright Office on its response to the White House’s endorsement of FCC's set-top box proceeding
April 19 - Conference call between FCC and Copyright Office
April 22 - FCC Comments are due
April 27 - Copyright Office staff meet with Viacom
May 23 - FCC Reply Comments are due
May 24 - MPAA shares a copy of their reply comments to the FCC with the Copyright Office and requests a follow-up meeting
May 25 – The Copyright Office provides MPAA available times to meet
May 31, 4:00 PM - Conference call between MPAA and the Copyright Office
May 31, 9:00 pm (4 hours later) – The Copyright Office writes to FCC to inform them that "based on what we understand so far, it seems that the proposed rule may in fact implicate some rather serious copyright concerns."
June 6 - FCC responds to the Copyright Office on continued willingness to address copyright concerns
June 13 - MPAA invites the Copyright Office to see a demonstration of cable industry content applications (the “app approach” proposed and later rejected by cable operators)
June 17 - Congressman Deutch's chief of staff inquires with the Copyright Office about how best to get then-Register of Copyrights Maria Pallante to weigh in on the FCC proceeding, as Congressman Deutch "had been told that [Register Pallante] expressed a willingness to weigh in on the set top box issue if she was directly asked by a Member [of Congress]."
June 21 – Copyright Office informs Congressman Deutch's office that FCC and Copyright Office are working closely on an interagency basis.
June 27 or 28 – The Copyright Office holds a conference call with representatives of Comcast-NBCUniversal, ASCAP, and the Directors Guild of America.
June 28 - Copyright Office staff visits cable industry office for applications demo
June 30 - FCC and Copyright Office meet
July 8 - Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn’s staff arrange a meeting with the Copyright Office
July 11 - Copyright Office meets with Congresswoman Blackburn’s staff
July 15 - Congresswoman Blackburn, along with Congressmen Butterfield, Collins, and Deutch send a letter to the Copyright Office asking for " a written analysis of the potential copyright implications of the FCC's pending set-top box proposal"
July 25- 27 - The offices of Senator Markey, Senator Wyden, Congresswoman Lofgren, and Congresswoman Eshoo speak with the Copyright Office regarding the agency's plans to weigh in on the FCC set-top box proceeding
August 2 - Copyright Office meets with the Consumer Video Choice Coalition (notably this appears to be the first meeting the Copyright Office held with manufacturers of competitive video devices, or indeed with any groups in favor of new set-top box rules.)
August 3, 2016 - Register of Copyrights Maria Pallante issues an 18-page letter to Congresswoman Blackburn, Congressman Butterfield, Congressman Collins, and Congressman Deutch criticizing the FCC's proposal as harming copyright interests
September 9 – FCC Commissioner Rosenworcel's office holds a conference call with the Copyright Office
September 29 – FCC vote on set-top box rules is postponed.