The Electronic Frontier Foundation returns to Dragon Con once again to participate in a series of panels about technology, civil liberties, activism, and pop culture.
EFF Deputy Executive Director Kurt Opsahl, Senior Investigative Researcher Dave Maass, Grassroots Advocacy Organizer Nathan Sheard, and Staff Technologist Erica Portnoy will participate in about dozen panels on the Electronic Frontiers Forums and Skeptics tracks. In cosplay!
If you visit our table on the second floor of Hilton Atlanta, you can also learn how to make a Star Wars, Star Trek, Harry Potter, or Game of Thrones-inspired password using GIANT 20 SIDED DICE! For more info on that, click here.
We also welcome you to join us on Sunday, Sept. 2 for a free EFF Speakeasy meet-up at CrazyAtlanta Restaurant and Bar. No badge required.
The provisional schedule is below, but stay tuned for updates on our panels and the special features at our table.
Friday, August 31, 2018
10:00 am - Legal Risks of Reporting Security Vulnerabilities
2:30 pm - Rainbow Tables and the Need for Longer Passwords
2:30 pm - Fake News & Its Effects on Our World
4:00 pm - Cell Phone Privacy Court Cases: Alsaad, Carpenter, and Kolsuz
5:30 pm - Mapping the Sci-Fi Feedback Loop: How Our Stories About Tomorrow Impact Us Today
Saturday, September 1, 2018
2:30 pm - Activism for Kids and Teens
4:00 pm - Restoring Net Neutrality: Regulation, Legislation, or Litigation?
7:00 pm - Mandated Crypto Backdoors: Legal Update
10:00 p.m. Ethics in Virtual Reality
Sunday, September 2, 2018
2:30 p.m. ICE & Immigration Surveillance
4 pm - Snopes and the Truth About Catching Fake News
5:30 pm Using Encrypted DNS in the Home
7 pm Speakeasy at CrazyAtlanta