December 27, 2013 - 11:00am PST to December 30, 2013 - 7:30pm PST
Hamburg, Germany

EFF is headed to Hamburg for the 30th annual Chaos Communication Congress, the four-day conference on technology, society and utopia. Three members of the EFF staff will give official presentations:

  • Disclosure DOs, Disclosure DON'Ts, 12/28, 23:00: Staff Attorney Nate Cardozo will give a talk focusing on responsible disclosure best and worst practices from both legal and practical perspectives. He'll provide usable advice, both positive and negative, and answer any questions the audience has on best practices.
  • The Internet Doesn't Need Another Security Guide/The Internet Needs Another Security Guide, 12/29, 20:30: Global Policy Analyst Eva Galperin will present tips on creating Internet privacy and security resources that "don't suck," and survey the current Internet privacy guide landscape and discuss the perils and pitfalls of creating this type of resource, using the Electronic Frontier Foundation's Surveillance Self Defense project as a case study.
  • Through a PRISM, Darkly, 12/30, 14:00: Senior Staff Attorney Kurt Opsahl will present, in one hour, everything we know about NSA spying so far. He will describe how the NSA spying program works, the underlying technologies, the targeting procedures (how they decide who to focus on), the minimization procedures (how they decide which information to discard), and help you makes sense of the many code names and acronyms in the news.

EFF will present additional material as members of the NoisySquare assembly of civil liberties and social justice groups. Speakers include EFF Legal Director Cindy Cohn and EFF Senior Web Developer Mark Burdett. Check back here or visit NoisySquare on site for details.

Be sure to stop by the EFF membership table to learn more about our recent projects. You can even donate for cool swag or become an official member at special 30C3-only rates!