For the first time, U.S. technology policy has taken a front-row seat in this election year. If you had the candidates' ear, what would you tell them to do in regards to our digital world?

Computers, Freedom and Privacy (CFP) is a conference whose interests have tracked those of EFF for almost a decade. This year, the 18th annual CFP will focus on what constitutes technology policy — and organizers are asking for your help. Read on to find out how to contribute to the debate, and how to travel and attend for free if you are a tech or public policy journalist.

CFP: Technology Policy '08 is an opportunity to help shape public debate on those issues being made into law, regulations, and infrastructure. The direction of our technology policy impacts the choices we make about our national defense, our civil liberties during wartime, the future of American education, our national healthcare systems, and many other realms of policy discussed more prominently on the election trail. Open participation is invited for proposals on panels, tutorials, speaker suggestions, and birds of a feather sessions through the CFP: Technology Policy '08 submission system. The deadline for speaker and panel suggestions is this Monday, Mar. 24, 2008.

Suggested topics for discussion include:

* Information Privacy
* Anonymity Online
* Government Transparency
* Voting Technology
* Online Campaigning
* Social Networks
* Citizen Journalism
* Cybercrime & Cyberterrorism
* Digital Education
* Copyright and Fair Use
* Patent Reform
* Open Access
* P2P Networks
* Information Policy and Free Trade
* Media Concentration
* Genes & Bioethics
* Electronic Medical Records
* Web Accessibility
* Open Standards
* Network Neutrality
* High-Speed Internet Access Policy
* Freedom of Information
* Technology Policy Administration

At CFP, policies ranging from data mining and wiretapping, to file-sharing and open access, and e-voting to electronic medical records will be addressed by expert panels of technologists, policymakers, business leaders, and advocates.

Our decisions about technology policy are being made at a time when the architectures of our information and communication technologies are still being built. Debate about these issues needs to be better-informed in order for us to make policy choices in the public interest. Join in the discussion by submitting an idea to CFP.

Registration is available online. You can also take part in the discussion and information-sharing about technology policy at the CFP '08 Blog, the CFP '08 Wiki, and CFP groups at LinkedIn and Facebook.

Funding for Journalists

The Yale Law School Law and Media Program (LAMP) announces an opportunity for journalists to receive full funding to attend CFP: Technology Policy ’08. CFP: Technology Policy ’08 will begin with a full day of tutorials and programming specifically geared toward journalists writing about information technology and policy, followed by a networking reception for journalists and other participants in the Law and Media Program. Please see the CFP Journalists page for more details.