Datesort ascending Document
2/4/2015 Open Source For Cyber Defence Progress
2/4/2015 Lovely Horse
1/28/2015 CSE Presentation on the LEVITATION Project
1/17/2015 Excerpt From the Secret NSA Budget on Computer Network Operations - Code Word GENIE
1/17/2015 Overview on the NSA Use of Bots and the DEFIANTWARRIOR Program
1/17/2015 BYZANTINE HADES - NSA Research on Targets of Chinese Network Exploitation Tools
1/17/2015 Projects of the TAO-ATO Department Such As the Remote Destruction of Network Cards
1/17/2015 APEX Method of Combining Passive With Active Methods to Exfiltrate Data From Networks Attacked
1/17/2015 Overview of the TRANSGRESSION Program to Analyze and Exploit Foreign CNA-CNE Exploits
1/17/2015 4th Party Collection - Taking Advantage of Non-partner Exploitation
1/17/2015 Overview of Methods For NSA Integrated Cyber Operations
1/17/2015 Supply-chain Interdiction - Stealthy Techniques Can Crack Some of SIGINT's Hardest Targets
1/17/2015 QUANTUMTHEORY Man-on-the-side Interference Attacks on TCP-IP (STRAIGHTBIZARRE and DAREDEVIL)
1/17/2015 Technical Description of the FASHIONCLEFT Protocol
1/17/2015 NSA Training Course Material on Computer Network Operations
1/17/2015 Document About the Expansion of the Remote Operations Center (ROC) on Endpoint Operations
1/17/2015 Interview With NSA's Department For Tailored Access Operations
1/17/2015 Sample Code of A Malware Program From the Five Eyes Alliance
1/17/2015 NSA SNOWGLOBE, French Government Trojan
1/17/2015 Document Explaining the Role of the Remote Operations Center (ROC)
1/17/2015 Fifth Party Access - When Fourth Party Puts Others Under Surveillance
1/17/2015 Process Analysts Choose Their Data Requirement and Then Get to Know the Tools That Can Do the Job
1/17/2015 Recognize and Process Data From Third Party Attacks
1/17/2015 Analysis of Chinese Methods and Performed Actions In the Context of Computer Network Exploitation
1/17/2015 APEX Shaping to Put Exfiltrating Network Traffic Into Plausible Deniability
1/17/2015 Report of An NSA Employee About a Backdoor In the OpenSSH Daemon
1/17/2015 NSA Program TUTELAGE to Instrumentalize Third Party Attack Tools
1/17/2015 Classification Guide For Computer Network Exploitation (CNE)
1/17/2015 NSA Fourth Party Access - I Drink Your Milkshake
1/17/2015 Combination of Offensive and Defensive Missions - How Fourth-party Missions are Being Performed
1/17/2015 SPINALTAP NSA Project to Combine Data From Active Operations and Passive Signals Intelligence
1/17/2015 CSEC Document About the Recognition of Trojans and Other network Based Anomaly
1/17/2015 QUANTUMSHOOTER Implant to Remote-control Computers From Unknown Third Parties
1/17/2015 CSEC Document on the Handling of Existing Trojans When Trojanizing Computers
1/17/2015 Methods to Exfiltrate Data Even From Devices Which are Supposed to Be Offline
1/17/2015 iPhone Target Analysis and Exploitation With Apple's Unique Device Identifiers (UDID)
1/17/2015 HIDDENSALAMANDER -Recognition of Botnet Activity and Options For Takeover of Clients and Data
1/17/2015 Exploring and Exploiting Leaky Mobile Apps With BADASS
1/17/2015 The FASHIONCLEFT Protocol NSA Uses to Exfiltrate Data From Trojans and Implants to the NSA
12/28/2014 BLUESNORT Program on Net Defense From Encrypted Communications
12/28/2014 NSA LONGHAUL Program For End-to-end Attack Orchestration and Key Recovery Service
12/28/2014 Intercept With PGP Encrypted Message
12/28/2014 A Potential Technique to Deanonymise Users of the TOR Network
12/28/2014 NSA High Level Description on TURMOIL - APEX Programs on Attacking VPN
12/28/2014 Intro to the VPN Exploitation Process Mentioning the Protocols Attacked - PPTP, IPSEC, SSL, SSH)
12/28/2014 Canadian Document From CES on TLS Trends
12/28/2014 NSA Experiment For Massive SSL-TLS Decryption
12/28/2014 MALIBU Architecture Overview to Exploit VPN Communication
12/28/2014 Classification Guide For Cryptanalysis
12/28/2014 NSA Cryptographic Modernization (CryptoMod) Classification Guide
