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EFF Awards Ceremony September 12

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

Industry and Public Interest Groups Fight Overbroad Broadcast Treaty

National Conference Call: Thursday, 2:30pm ET San Francisco - Dozens of companies from the technology and telecommunications sector, public interest groups, and library associations have banded together with the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) to fight a proposed treaty that would grant broadcasters and cablecasters a new 50-year intellectual property right...
Privacy issue banner, a colorful graphical representation of a padlock

How Not To Secure Your Search Privacy

Yesterday, the AP reported on a tool called TrackMeNot, which promises to protect "web-searchers against surveillance and data-profiling." While we certainly appreciate the intentions of TrackMeNot's developers, it is wholly ineffective at serving its stated purpose. EFF recommends you follow these tips to keep your search history private.

Privacy issue banner, a colorful graphical representation of a padlock

California Lawmakers Pass Safeguards for Privacy-Leaking RFID Chips

The California State Senate passed tough new privacy safeguards yesterday for use of "tag and track" devices known as Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) chips embedded in state identification cards. The bill, SB 768, helps ensure that Californians can control the personal information contained on their drivers' licenses, library cards and...

California Lawmakers Pass Safeguards for Privacy-Leaking RFID Chips

Groundbreaking Bill Waits for Governor's Signature Sacramento - The California State Senate passed tough new privacy safeguards late yesterday for use of "tag and track" devices known as Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) chips embedded in state identification cards. The bill helps ensure that Californians can control the personal information contained...

EFF Sues Barney the Dinosaur to Defend Online Free Speech

Lawsuit Fights Baseless Copyright, Trademark Threats San Francisco - The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) asked a federal court Wednesday to protect the free speech rights of a website publisher who has suffered years of baseless legal threats over his parody of the Barney and Friends television show. Since 2002, the...

OneWebDay Celebration, One Month Away

September 22 is OneWebDay, a day to "celebrate the Web and what it means to us as individuals, organizations, and communities." Founded by cyberlaw professor Susan Crawford and spearheaded by volunteers around the globe, the initiative is helping to plan events in major cities. The goal is to...


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