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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: How to Protest with Privacy in Mind

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

Free Speech banner, an colorful graphic representation of a megaphone

Legal Clarity for Bloggers

There are two laudable legislative efforts in the works that could help clarify that online journalists are entitled to the same rights and privileges as traditional print journalists.
The first is the national OPEN Government Act (S.394), introduced by Senator John Cornyn (R-Texas) and co-sponsor Senator Pat Leahy...

Apple Bites Students; the Woz Bites Back

People in the Apple community are upset about the company's legal action against three Canadian students who allegedly posted a developer build of MacOS 10.4 via BitTorrent. Now the publisher of DrunkenBlog has posted responses from 25 members of the Mac community -- including one from none other...

TV-Anytime Hubris

Our friends at TV-Anytime are unusually candid in their dirigisme. Their working group on business models claims the obligation to predict "every conceivable present and future way that [a technology] can be used." Now that's ambition.
You can find the statement in question on the Business Models...

We Love It, Too

J.D. Lasica today has a nifty review of David Bollier's Brand Name Bullies -- a book that should be at the very top of everyone's reading list:

Bollier, a co-founder of the public interest group Public Knowledge, has written a darkly funny, accessible account of horror stories and...

One Face of Liberated DTV

EFF Chairman Brad Templeton doesn't care much for football, but since he enjoys seeing the multi-million dollar commercials liberally interspersed with it, he held a reverse Superbowl party: fast forward through the game to watch the ads. To capture the show in high-definition and play it back around the house,...

Mark Cuban Gets It

If there is one person who understands what the "content" business is going to look like in the 21st century, it is Mark Cuban. First, he built a billion dollar business in webcasting at, long before media moguls were paying attention to "Internet radio." Today, at HDNet,...

Mike Godwin on "Steal This Show"

We loved that this NYT piece reported on EFF's high-definition TV PVR build-ins. We hated that the highly unfortunate title, "Steal This Show," suggests that recording TV programs using a homebrew HDTV PVR is somehow tantamount to stealing. Not surprisingly, so did Public Knowledge's Mike Godwin. Today,...

Privacy issue banner, a colorful graphical representation of a padlock

In a Nutshell (Again)

Nick Turse: "If you're reading this on the Internet, the FBI may be spying on you at this very moment.
Under provisions of the USA Patriot Act, the Department of Justice has been collecting e-mail and IP (a computer's unique numeric identifier) addresses, without a warrant, using trap-and-trace...


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