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Podcast Episode: Antitrust/Pro-Internet

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

The Weakest Link Redux

We often criticize DMCA takedown abuse here at EFF, but last week's Cryptome snafu highlights another facet of the problem: how a DMCA takedown for one item can result in the removal of lots of lawful material.
To recap, Cryptome posted Microsoft’s global criminal compliance manual....

Free Speech banner, an colorful graphic representation of a megaphone

UPDATE: Victory - YouTube Permits Amy Greenfield Art

Update: YouTube responded to the letter from EFF and the National Coalition Against Censorship by doing just what we asked. They state: "We have re-reviewed your videos and have reinstated them with an age gate." This is good news, and YouTube is to be commended for correcting its error. Amy...

Google Buzz Privacy Update

Over the weekend, Google announced significant changes to its new social networking service, Buzz. Responding to criticism (including EFF's), Google moved away from the system in which Buzz automatically sets you up to follow the people you email and chat with most. Instead, Google has adopted an auto-suggest...

Music Journalism is the New Piracy

Imagine you're a music journalist who maintains a blog. You've just found a great, new, virtually-unknown artist that you want to tell the world about. How can you do so, in a way that is simple and convenient for your readers, but does not place you or your blog's host...


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