Hacker Summer Camp is almost here... and with it comes the Third Annual EFF Benefit Poker Tournament at DEF CON 32 hosted by security expert Tarah Wheeler.
Please join us at the same place and time as last year: Friday, August 9th, at high noon at the Horseshoe Poker Room. The fees haven’t changed; it’s still $250 to register plus $100 the day of the tournament with unlimited rebuys.
Tarah Wheeler—EFF board member and resident poker expert—has been working hard on the tournament since last year! Not only has she created a custom EFF playing card deck as a gift for each player, but she also recruited Cory Doctorow to emcee this year. Be sure to register today and see Cory in action!
Did we mention there will be Celebrity Bounties? Knock out Jake “MalwareJake” Williams, Deviant Ollam, or Runa Sandvik and get neat EFF swag plus the respect of your peers! As always, knock out Tarah’s dad, Mike, and she will donate $250 to the EFF in your name!

Find Full Event Details and Registration

Anyone who pre-registers and plays will receive a custom EFF playing card deck (if you don’t show up to the tournament by 30 minutes after the start time your deck may be given away).
The winner will receive a treasure chest curated from Tarah’s own collection. The chest is filled with real gems, including emeralds, black pearls, amethysts, diamonds, and more! The winner will also receive our now traditional Jellybean Trophy!
Have you played some poker before but could use a refresher on rules, strategy, table behavior, and general Vegas slang at the poker table? Tarah will run a poker clinic from 11 am-11:45 am just before the tournament. Even if you know poker pretty well, come a bit early and help out. Just show up and donate anything to EFF. Make it over $50 and Tarah will teach you chip riffling, the three biggest tells, and how to stare blankly and intimidatingly through someone’s soul while they’re trying to decide if you’re bluffing.
Register today and reserve your deck. Be sure to invite your friends to join you!