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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: How to Protest with Privacy in Mind

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

Packet Forgery By ISPs: A Report on the Comcast Affair

November 2007
By Peter Eckersley, Fred von Lohmann and Seth Schoen{pde,fred,schoen}

Comcast is the second largest Internet Service Provider (ISP) in the United States. They run the cable TV and cable Internet networks in many parts of the United States, and many consumers know them as their duopoly or...

BayFF with Jonathan Zittrain

EFF invites you to hear luminary researcher Jonathan Zittrain, principal of the Oxford Internet Institute, deliver a presentation on the topic of his next book: "The Future of the Internet ­- And How to Stop It." Zittrain will cover what he sees looking forward, as the Internet ecosystem becomes blotted...

Congress Keeps Telecoms on the Hook for Illegal Spying

Washington, D.C. - Both the full House of Representatives and the Senate Judiciary Committee voted Thursday to keep telecommunications companies on the hook for their role in illegal government spying on millions of ordinary Americans -- at least for now.
The bills each make changes to the Foreign Intelligence...


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