¿Quién defiende tus datos?
It's Panama’s turn to take a closer look at the practices of its most prominent Internet Service Providers, and how their policies support their users’ privacy. IPANDETEC, the leading digital rights NGO in Panama, has launched its first "Who Defends Your Data" (¿Quién Defiende Tus Datos?) report. The survey shines...
Fundación Karisma, Colombia’s leading digital rights organization, just launched its fourth annual ¿Dónde Estan Mis Datos? report in collaboration with EFF. The results are even more encouraging than the ones seen in 2017, with significant improvement in transparency - five companies published transparency reports, and four publicly explained...
Fundación Karisma in cooperation with EFF has released its third-annual ¿Dónde Estan Mis Datos? report, the Colombian version of EFF’s Who Has Your Back. And this year’s report has some good news. According to the Colombian Ministry of Information and Communication Technologies, broadband Internet penetration in Colombia is well over...
Fundacion Karisma—the leading Colombian digital rights organization—has published the 2016 ¿Dónde están mis datos? report, which evaluates how well Colombian telecommunications companies protect their customers’ privacy.Karisma’s second annual report examines publicly-available policies on government surveillance transparency, data protection, privacy, and free expression from five of the biggest telecommunications companies:...
Members of EFF and Fundación Karisma during the launch of the project.
EFF has joined forces with digital rights groups in Colombia, Mexico, Brazil, Paraguay, and Peru to provide support to each country in releasing its own (or similar) “Where is My Data?” report—a report akin to...