Join EFF on a road trip through the information superhighway! As you choose the perfect playlist for the trip we'll share our findings about the latest generation of cell-site simulators; share security tips for protestors at college campuses; and rant about the surveillance abuses that could come from...
La policía de Minnesota está comprando y volando más drones que nunca, según un informe anual publicado recientemente por la Oficina de Aprehensión Criminal (BCA) del estado. Las fuerzas del orden de Minnesota volaron sus drones sin orden judicial 4.326 veces en 2023, acumulando un gasto en todo...
Government officials across the U.S. frequently promote the supposed, and often anecdotal, public safety benefits of automated license plate readers (ALPRs), but rarely do they examine how this very same technology poses risks to public safety that may outweigh the crimes they are attempting to address in the first...
Los legisladores de California están debatiendo un desacertado proyecto de ley que obligaría a los usuarios de Internet a mostrar su DNI para poder consultar contenidos sexualmente explícitos. La EFF ha enviado una carta a los legisladores californianos animándoles a oponerse al proyecto de ley 3080 de la...
En nuestra reciente comparación de Mastodon, Bluesky y Threads, detallamos algunas de las diferencias entre las redes sociales de microblogging, y una de las principales distinciones es el grado de control que tienes sobre lo que ves como usuario. Ya hemos explicado cómo poner en forma tu feed...
The ongoing Twitter exodus sparked life into a new way of doing social media. Instead of a handful of platforms trying to control your life online, people are reclaiming control by building more open and empowering approaches to social media. Some of these you may have heard of: Mastodon, Bluesky,...
Did you know Disney’s Steamboat Willie entered the public domain this year? Since its 1928 debut, U.S. Congress has made multiple changes to copyright law, extending Disney’s ownership of this cultural icon for almost a century. A century.Creativity should spark more creativity.That’s not how intellectual property laws are...
Artificial intelligence will neither solve all our problems nor likely destroy the world, but it could help make our lives better if it’s both transparent enough for everyone to understand and available for everyone to use in ways that augment us and advance our goals — not for corporations or...
El miembro de la Asamblea de California Phil Ting ha presentado la ley A.B. 1814, un proyecto de ley que supuestamente regularía el uso policial de la tecnología de reconocimiento facial. El problema es que haría muy poco para cambiar realmente el statu quo de cómo la policía...
This extraordinarily misguided and speech-chilling call to label social media platforms as harmful to adolescents is shameful fear-mongering that lacks scientific evidence and turns the nation’s top physician into a censor.
WASHINGTON, DC—Matthew Guariglia, a Senior Policy Analyst at the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), has been named a National Governing Institutions Fellow at the John W. Kluge Center at the Library of Congress. This multi-month residential fellowship is designed to support scholars working on research that can impact policy making. Guariglia—who...
It’s time for the second installment of campfire tales from The Encryptids. Do you ever feel like tech companies still own the devices you’ve paid for? Monsieur Jackalope tells us why interoperability plays a key role in giving you freedom in tech.
This post was written by EFF legal intern Danya Hajjaji.Law enforcement should be required to obtain a warrant to search data contained in abandoned cell phones, EFF and others explained in a friend-of-the-court brief to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.The case, United States v. Hunt, involves law enforcement’s...