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EFF Awards Ceremony September 12

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

Court Slows EFF Efforts to Address Ohio E-voting Malfunctions

Decision Delays Inquiry Into State's History of Voting Machine Problems San Francisco - The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled this week that a critical lawsuit aimed at improving the security and integrity of Ohio's voting technology will be put on hold indefinitely. The ruling halts case proceedings until the...
Privacy issue banner, a colorful graphical representation of a padlock

The Increasing Ubiquity and Insecurity of RFIDs

This month, Wired published a chilling article by (former EFF Media Coordinator) Annalee Newitz about RFIDs and the privacy threats they create. She tells five stories of these chips in action and how simple hacks can expose you to identity theft, stalking, and tracking. Anyone could uncover your...

AOL Starts Pay-to-Send Email Shakedown

"Certified Mail" Allows Mass Mailers to Bypass Spam Filters San Francisco - AOL has quietly flipped the switch on its "certified mail" service, delivering pay-to-send email to some of its millions of customers. The Goodmail CertifiedEmail service allows large mass-emailers to pay a fee to bypass AOL's spam filters and...

Two Flags, One Train Wreck

The story so far: the broadcast flags, both video and audio, have been wandering the halls of Congress, looking to smuggle themselves into law, like tramps looking for an empty boxcar. For nearly a year, neither the MPAA and RIAA have been able to find them a ride. The MPAA...


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