14 Rue Chapon, 75003 Paris
Friday, June 24, 2011 at 6PM


La Quadrature du Net and the Electronic Frontier Foundation invite you to join us for a drink in Paris to discuss ACTA (the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement), Net Neutrality, and fundamental freedoms on the Internet. EFF International Rights Director Katitza Rodriguez and spokesperson of La Quadrature du Net Jérémie Zimmermann will be there to talk about the latest critical battles affecting digital rights in Europe and around the world.

Our first ever joint Apéro, or happy hour, will kick off Quadrature Communication Camp. QCC is a weekend of creativity (spanning visual, animated, and written media and more) with the purpose of creating dialogue about the threats to the Internet and our freedoms. RSVP today, or share this invitation with your friends: https://www.eff.org/apero.

La Quadrature du Net
LQDN is an advocacy group that promotes the rights and freedoms of citizens on the Internet. More specifically, it advocates for the adaptation of French and European legislation to respect the founding principles of the Internet, most notably the free circulation of knowledge. As such, La Quadrature du Net engages in public-policy debates concerning, for instance, freedom of expression, copyright, regulation of telecommunications and online privacy.