Three weeks ago we launched our Who Has Your Back campaign, calling on companies to stand with their users when the government comes asking for users' data. We chose twelve companies we were most concerned about, including the three largest social networking sites, the three largest web email providers, and the three largest Internet service providers in the United States. And then we added three more companies that we believe are vital players holding sensitive consumer data: Apple, Amazon, and Skype.
Now it’s your turn.
Tell EFF which company you think we should add to our list. It can be any Internet company that has a significant physical presence or user base in the U.S. (so that it's covered by U.S. laws). It can be a file sharing service, an online chat service, a social network – any company holding your data that should stand by your side and support your rights. Based on your suggestions, we'll add a 13th company to our petition.
How to send your suggestions:
- Via Twitter or send a message to EFF using the hashtag #standwithme.
Example Tweet: "Hey @eff – tell @Dropbox to #standwithme" - Via Facebook: post a message on our wall.
Example Facebook post: EFF, add PayPal to your "Who Has Your Back?" campaign!
If you don't use these social networking sites, you can still participate! Just send an email to and list the name of the company in the subject line of your email.
Based on your suggestions and our own analysis, we'll pick two of the companies and hold a run-off. And you, the user, will get to choose the 13th company in our campaign.
So make your voice heard. Send us a tweet, a Facebook post, or an email today.