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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: How to Protest with Privacy in Mind

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

Are You Infected by Sony-BMG's Rootkit?

As we've mentioned before, Sony-BMG has been using copy-protection technology called XCP in its recent CDs. You insert your CD into your Windows PC, click "agree" in the pop up window, and the CD automatically installs software that uses rootkit techniques to cloak itself from you. Sony-BMG has...

Sony-BMG rootkit DRM in a Nutshell

Molly Wood over at CNET has done a wonderful job summarizing what Sony-BMG's "rootkit" CD copy-protection is all about, and why it's such a bad thing:
So, let's make this a bit more explicit. You buy a CD. You put the CD into your PC in order to...

Big Win for Fair Use in Colorado Court

For years, EFF has been following a case in Colorado District Court involving Family Flicks and Play it Clean Video -- companies that make and distribute copies of movies with sexual and violent content removed. The Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) and a number of prominent Hollywood directors claim...


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