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Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

Get Your Vote On

Polls are opening around this country, but early voters are already facing significant delays due to voting machine problems. Machines have reportedly failed to turn on or have abruptly stopped working.
If you run into any problems, call 866-OUR-VOTE and make sure that...

DMCA Subpoenas Should Not Be Abused to Silence Speech

The much maligned Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) allows a copyright holders to unmask an Internet user's identity based on a mere allegation of infringement without filing an actual lawsuit or providing the user any due process. DMCA 512(h) is troubling enough when used in cases of actual infringement, but...

Stats Expert: Paperless Voting Spells Disaster in Election 06

Statisticians are trained experts in data collection, so it's worth paying special attention to the American Statistical Association President's timely letter [PDF] about accurately counting votes in the upcoming national election. President Sallie Keller-McNulty warns that, "[W]e can expect between five to twenty federal elections and dozens of local...

Dangerous Terms in MS Vista's EULA

Before clicking the "I Agree" button that accompanies software products' dense End User License Agreements (EULA), it's always best to check with Infoworld's Ed Foster first. He is unrelenting in his careful criticisms of EULAs, and, this week, he takes on a section of Microsoft Vista's EULA that...


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