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Podcast Episode: Antitrust/Pro-Internet

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

International issues banner, a colorful graphic of a globe

Privacy Takes Center Stage in Uruguay

Last week, the 34th Annual Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners’ Conference was held in Punta del Este, Uruguay. The event brings together international regulators whose mandate is to uphold individuals’ rights to privacy. Preceding the official gathering of data protection authorities was The Public Voice, a daylong event hosted by...

We Invite You to Join EFF

One year ago, EFF rang alarm bells about SOPA and PIPA — Internet censorship bills threatening online freedom and the very structure of the Internet. Not long after, our members and the Internet community stood up to misguided politicians and deep-pocketed lobbyists and won, sinking SOPA and PIPA forever....

4 Simple Changes to Stop Online Tracking

Whoa, you aren't browsing with Javascript, congratulations! You probably don't need this tutorial, which will look broken for you. Just install an adblocker with a privacy/tracking protection list, block third-party cookies, block referers, and install HTTPS Everywhere. In less than 10 minutes, you can drastically improve your privacy online...

Join EFF’s Efforts to Keep 3D Printing Open

Thanks to the open hardware community, you can now have a 3D printer in your home for just a few hundred dollars, with dozens of printer models to choose from and build upon. Community-designed printers already outclass proprietary printers costing 30 times as much. This incredible innovation is possible...

WTO + globe

Civil Society Urges World Trade Organization to Give the Poorest Countries in the World More Time To Implement International Intellectual Property Agreement

The relentless expansion of intellectual property from the developed world to the developing world is rooted in a key international agreement: it’s called the Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (colloquially, “TRIPS”), and it was enacted in 1994 by the World Trade Organization (WTO). TRIPS was envisioned as...


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