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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: How to Protest with Privacy in Mind

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

EFF, Public Interest Groups Challenge Legality of the Broadcast Flag

Lawsuit Questions FCC's Authority to Mandate Copy Protection on All Hardware That Receives Digital TV Signals Washington, DC - When the Federal Communications Commission's (FCC) broadcast flag mandate goes into effect next year, it will be unlawful to sell devices that can tune in digital television without imposing copy protection...
Privacy issue banner, a colorful graphical representation of a padlock

ACLU & Doe v. Ashcroft - the Good Bits

Last week brought an extraordinary victory for privacy and civil liberties: a federal district court struck down a key power under the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) and the USA PATRIOT Act. Specifically, US District Court Judge Victor Marrero ruled that "National Security Letters" (NSLs) violate the Constitution.

WIPO Announces Plans to Support Public Domain, Open Source

Geneva - The United Nation's (UN) World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) has adopted a "development agenda" that acknowledges the need for balance in worldwide policy on trademark, copyright, and patents. In the past, WIPO has been roundly resistant to attempts to balance the interests of copyright holders, who make up...

EFF Wins in Diebold Copyright Abuse Case

Voting Machine Company Liable for Damages, Costs in Landmark Ruling San Jose - In a landmark case, a California district court has determined that Diebold, Inc., a manufacturer of electronic voting machines, knowingly misrepresented that online commentators, including IndyMedia and two Swarthmore college students, had infringed the company's copyrights. This...

Court Strikes Down Key USA PATRIOT Power

New York - The American Civil Liberties Union won a tremendous victory for Internet privacy today in the case of ACLU &amp Doe v. Ashcroft, challenging the constitutionality of "National Security Letters" (NSLs) under the USA PATRIOT Act. The letters, issued directly by the Department of Justice without any court...

4,280 RIAA Lawsuits and Counting.

In this season of Induce, let's not forget that the RIAA is using existing laws to make thousands of American families miserable. Of course, just as the Induce Act won't solve the P2P dilemma, the lawsuit campaign doesn't seem to be working, either. For a recap on the RIAA lawsuit...

California Gets Paper Trail Law

Terrific late-breaking news. California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today signed the voter-verifiable paper trail bill, ensuring that all Californians will have auditable elections by 2006.
Senators Ross Johnson (R-Orange) and Don Perata (D-Alameda) authored Senate Bill 1438, which requires all electronic voting machines to produce a voter-verifiable paper trail by...

Court of Appeals Revives Florida E-voting Lawsuit

Florida - The Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals today overturned a lower court's ruling in a case that challenges the legality of Florida's paperless electronic voting machines. The federal suit, brought by Florida Congressman Robert Wexler, argues that the use of the machines violates the United States Constitutional guarantees of...

Draft 9/11 Legislation Goes Too Far, Revives PATRIOT II

San Francisco, CA - Last week, House Republicans circulated draft legislation that contains provisions from the never-introduced "Domestic Security Enhancement Act of 2003," otherwise known as "PATRIOT II." The draft legislation is meant to implement intelligence reforms recommended by the 9/11 Commission Final Report. But its reach goes far...

Your Vote Is Safe - We've Got Paperclips

Along with more than two dozen eager international election observers, I recently had the pleasure of observing a live demonstration of one of the controversial electronic voting machines that are in place to record and tabulate millions of American votes on election day.
Results, as they say, were mixed....


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