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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: How to Protest with Privacy in Mind

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

OneWebDay Celebration Today

Today is OneWebDay, a day to "celebrate the Web and what it means to us as individuals, organizations, and communities." Founded by cyberlaw professor Susan Crawford and spearheaded by volunteers around the globe, the initiative has planned events in major cities. The goal is to get people to...

Free Speech banner, an colorful graphic representation of a megaphone

Tell Congress to Say No to DOPA

Passed by the House in July 2006, the Deleting Online Predators Act (DOPA) would require public schools and libraries to block access to social networking sites and other communication tools as a condition for receiving certain government funding. Protecting children online is important, but letting federal bureaucrats arbitrarily censor legitimate...

Anonymity Preserved for Online Embroidery Fans

Subpoena Withdrawn After EFF Intervenes San Francisco - San Francisco - The Embroidery Software Protection Coalition (ESPC) has dropped its attempt to unmask anonymous embroidery fans after the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) intervened in the case. The embroiderers used an online discussion group to share information about a long-running campaign...
Privacy issue banner, a colorful graphical representation of a padlock

Six Tips to Protect Your Search Privacy

By Peter Eckersley, Seth Schoen, Kevin Bankston, and Derek Slater.

Google, MSN Search, Yahoo!, AOL, and most other search engines collect and store records of your search queries. If these records are revealed to others, they can be embarrassing or even cause great harm. Would you want strangers to...

EFF Battles to Save Critical Ohio E-Voting Case

Court Fight Continues As Princeton Researchers Demonstrate 'Vote Stealing' San Francisco - The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) has asked the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to reject Ohio's latest attempt to dismiss a critical electronic voting case -- the final legal hurdle in the path to a thorough investigation...


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