Congress returns from recess this week, and EFF is joining a coalition of organizations for a two week national call-in to stop the dangerous NSA spying bills. Visit our Action Center to call your members of Congress now, and spread the word to friends and family about these bills as well. Let's keep those phones ringing in the Congressional halls for two weeks straight!
Senator Arlen Specter is still rushing to pass his surveillance bill, which would help the government and the NSA continue to break the law by spying on ordinary Americans. He's planning a committee vote this Thursday, and a floor vote as early as next week. Senator Mike DeWine has also proposed a bill that would attempt to retroactively legalize the NSA dragnet surveillance.
That's bad enough, but now there's another dangerous bill afoot -- Representative Heather Wilson's H.R. 5825. The House will hold a hearing tomorrow on this proposal and a vote may shortly follow.
Take action now to stop the surveillance bills.
Full list of call-in coalition groups after the jump:
American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, American Civil Liberties Union, Bill of Rights Defense Committee, Center for National Security Studies, Council on American-Islamic Relations, Downsize, Electronic Frontier Foundation, First Amendment Foundation, National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, National Coalition Against Repressive Legislation, National Lawyers Guild, Open the Government, Privacy Activism