Shubert v. Obama is a class action on behalf of all Americans against the government, alleging a massive, indiscriminate, illegal National Security Agency (NSA) dragnet of the phone calls and email of tens of millions of ordinary Americans. Filed in 2006, Shubert is now the longest running case against the government seeking to stop the domestic spying program. Shubert also seeks to hold accountable the architects of the dragnet, including NSA Director General Keith B. Alexander, former NSA Director General Michael V. Hayden, former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, and former Attorney General John Ashcroft. For seven years, the government sought to dismiss the case on state secrets grounds, arguing that federal courts are powerless to stop even illegal government action implicating national security. In July 2013 a federal district judge rejected that argument, and has permitted the case to go forward against all defendants.