October 26, 2022 - 5:00am PDT

Cory Doctorow & Katitza Rodriguez at the World Ethical Data Forum

EFF Special Advisor Cory Doctorow will deliver a keynote speech for Data and Creative Labour Markets at 5:00 AM - 5:35 AM as part of the Media & Culture track.

40 years of copyright expansion has not delivered - even though copyright covers more works, for longer timescales, with stiffer penalties, the share of income from the creative industries that goes to creators has only declined. Drawing on lessons from Chokepoint Capitalism," a new book co-authored with Rebecca Giblin, World Ethical Data Foundation advisor Cory Doctorow describes how labour markets can be made more fair by using data about hidden wage-thefts and accounting fraud to galvanise collective action among creative workers."

Katitza Rodriguez, EFF Policy Director for Global Privacy, will be giving a keynote speech on Cybersecurity and Human Rights as part of the Privacy and Security track at 8:00 AM - 8:40 AM.

From the organizers:

From the methods and techniques that generate the granular data used by scientists, statisticians and developers to the narratives composed by the media and governments which define them, the forum examines the opportunities and problems arising from the development of technologies that continue to open unprecedented possibilities for knowledge and influence.

As part of the World Ethical Data Forum, October 26-28th, registration is free.